Your Life is About Change

Sound dramatic?  Well, it is!  Not only are your eating habits going to change, think about it, your LIFE is going to change.  Your self esteem is going to go up.  Your motivation is going to increase and your waist is going to shrink. 

Sounds like a WIN, WIN, WIN proposition, right?  Well, it is.  You are going to move from a mental state of hopelessness to one of self-control and power.  You will begin to believe in your ability to take charge, and stop seeing yourself as a passive victim of your weight.


So, how are you going to do this you ask?  The first step is to believe you can become thin for life!

And, how are you going to do that, you say?  Well, you’ll be most likely able to do that by not going it alone and you’ve already started by coming here.  Most people who have lost weight and kept it off have turned to others for support; some on a regular basis, and others as needed, somewhere along their journey.  Weight control experts have determined that support from family, friends and maintenance support groups is associated with long term weight loss.

You can get individual support through counseling with a registered dietitian or psychologist, a weight loss program, a friend, a spouse, a relative or you can get it right HERE

The reason I started this blog is not only as a support system to give you assurance that you’re not alone, but to provide a place to exchange ideas.  It can also help with getting your problems in perspective and hopefully heighten your accountability to yourself. 

Some people need more support in the beginning while others need reinforcement for a longer period of time, maybe even forever.

What’s important is that you recognize that your need or desire for support is a sign of strength, not weakness.  Each time you feel discouraged remind yourself of at least one positive image or goal you have set.  Write this in your journal or add it to your collage!

When things get tough, focus on what you CAN have rather than on deprivation.  And, fortunately on the 17 Day Diet the “CAN” list is pretty long!  (Maybe you can add photos or pictures of your 17 Day Diet “CAN HAVE” foods to your collage!)

As W.C. Fields said, “I can resist anything except temptation!”

Oh and by the way, an upcoming blog entry is going to be about having a PERFECT DAY!  I’m going to ask everybody on the blog to make a goal of having ONE PERFECT 17 DAY DIET DAY with no cheating-eating!  You can sign up here or on Facebook!  More to come….


44 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Sherri
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 03:51:01

    Here’s to a new year and new thinner me! One of my goals is to lose some of the weight before spring. My husband loves to sail his catamaran. Over the last couple years I have not gone with him, mostly due to weight. Last year I set a goal to lose the weight but the day I decided I was going to start an exercise program, I broke my foot- 4 of the 5 metatarsals. That has healed but now I need to get moving again and today is the day!!! My birthday is the 19th of this month and my first goal is to lose 5 lbs by then. I might be setting the goal a little low but I do not want to set myself up to fail either. I may up that after the first week once I see some progression.
    I am 45, 5’5″ and 229. Here’s to Perfect Days!


  2. Betsy
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 04:04:49

    Morning everyone! Today is my first day on the 17 Day Diet. I’m about to start my journey to better health and weight loss. I’ve been overweight almost my entire adult life and I’m tired of it!! I’m turning 45 in February and decided the “second” half of my adult life I will be thin, confident and healthy. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to this journey!


  3. Georgia Girl Cindy
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 05:33:00

    My fiance and I prepared our food for the week yesterday…made our green tea..weighed in…and worst of all…did our “before” pictures. Wow…the pics bring it into perspective. We are ready to share our successes with you…our 17 Day Diet friends…Here’s to a fabulous 2011,


  4. merideth
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 06:09:06

    yea! i can not WAIT for my book to get here! i’m so nervous about starting the first diet of my life, but i’m excited to read that those of us who are “chubbier” (in my case, 100-ish lbs overweight!) will lose faster at first.

    my original goal was to lose 100lbs in 365 days, but in reading the comments, i can see i need to set some sub-goals. anybody got any ideas on that?

    also, where in the world are these recipes of which you speak??


  5. Katie
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 06:47:16

    Good Morning!

    Just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful day! I actually on day 8 of our diet was excited to get up and get on the scale. Yep, another 1/2 pound down. THIS WORKS!!!!! And yesterday I ordered pizza for my hubby and mother in law (she is 88, lives across the street, we take care of her and get her her dinner every night) It looked delish…. it smelled delish, AND I ONLY HAD A SMALL BIKE. That is it. Then I got my dinner. Ya, it was hard, but eating pizza isn’t going to get me where I need to be.

    One of my goals? I get my 3 grand kids in the summer for a week. The oldest can ride his bike with my neighbor’s son to the pool. My youngest are always saying, “grandma, come swim with us!” to which I always make excuses! buy pools for the back yard, plan other activities….. This summer I want to say “come on kids! were going to the pool”. I’m a young grandma, be 48 in February. I CAN DO THIS. OK, my last goal? My hubby and I ride motorcycles. Well he drives and I ride :-). He has tried many times to buy me chaps. I just refuse to get XXL!!!!! NOPE! But I want to get them.

    OK, ladies we can reach our goals. this week I need to get the exercise going. New day!

    And can I please share what I have just been sipping on? YUMMY! OK, so I had half an great fruit left, put that, one whole peeled orange, 2 ice cubes, serving non fat yogurt, 1/2 t. guava. Mix that up (I have one of those had mixers) and WOW, FANTASTIC! If you don’t like yogurt, you will love this.

    And when you have the sign up, I’m ready for the perfect day!

    Katie B.


  6. RunMomRun
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 07:12:38

    Day #2 begins today. I started off with my weigh-in. Lost a pound since yesterday and a total of 1.9. I had an excellent day yesterday-dare I say a “perfect 17 diet day”. I did not eat any of the fritos on my son’s plate on plate, nor the little crusty corner of his sandwich that I started to reach for. I followed my meal plan and I had a great workout. 15 mins of the elliptical, abdominal work on the mats with the balls, and then a really good free weights workout. I got all my water in plus my lemon water, plus my 3 green teas and started my vitamins again. I just hope today goes as well. As far as exercise-I am meeting a friend to run today. We are officially starting our half-marathon training and today’s goal is 3 miles.
    Current stats: 158 (high)/146.1 (Current)/140 (initial goal). I have been thinking about a Cycle 1: Activate goal and I think I wan to set it at losing 8 pounds during the first cycle. current at 1.9/6.1 to go!


  7. Kathi
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 07:19:56

    Hi all–I’m back on track today! I started in mid-Dec. and lost a few pounds…I thought I would be able to stay in control over the holidays, but no go. At least I ended up with only a net 4-lb gain, thanks to my pre-holiday dieting–could have been a lot worse! My goal now is to lose 20 lbs. I’m also looking forward to feeling better…much as it was fun to binge on pie and cookies, I truly felt bad through much of the holidays–lethargic, irritable, and bloated. I’m looking forward to getting some energy back! Definitely going to sign up for the challenge as well.


  8. Reggie
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 07:49:52

    I started the diet without the book, thanks to this website, it took me over a month to finally get the book. I am 5’8, two weeks ago I weighed 164 I am, as of this morning 153.2, starting with breakfast this morning, I will following the book to the tee. My goal weight is 135 t0 140 and I am 59 years young. I am right now sitting on my stability ball at work, which helps core muscules, I do a few weights and walk on a treadmill, which I am kicking up a notch. Very encouraged after weighing this morning. Thanks to this web site, I got it under it under control before I received my book. thanks you all you. We can do this, so tired of a big belly and tight clothes.


  9. Debbie Ponz
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 07:56:47

    Kathi I am with you I too started mid December and followed the diet very well the first week then had a 3 day binge over the Christmas holiday and lost that weight back only to gain it over the New Years weekend. Today would have been the start of cycle 2 but I am adding 4 days onto cycle one to cover my oops days. I am down 6.2 pounds even with the mess ups. I have not done any exercising except day 1 with the DVD what a mess LOL I was going right when the were going left, the dog tried to dance with me and my husband came home in the middle of the day and caught me! So today my goal is to EXERCISE every day in some sort of way. Whether walking the dog or doing my wii active. SW 226.2 CW 220 GW 160


  10. Jenna
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 07:58:32

    I am on Day 3!!! Lost 2 pounds!!! I dont think I am going to weigh myself again until Saturday. I dont want to get disapointed. I have stayed clean since I have started the diet even though I went by a McDonalds yesterday and it took everything I had not to pull in and order a Reeces McFlurry. I will just have to wait until Cycle 4 and have it as one of my cheat meals on the weekend. I know I will live without it and thats what got me through it. SO I am ready to sign up for the Perfect Day. Today is work day #1 on the diet and its going pretty well. I own a daycare and have 5 kids today. I got up extra early and drank my lemon water and ate my breakfast. I am snacking on an apple right now. I forgot all of my salads and vegetables at home though, luckily I brought my egg whites so I can eat those for lunch. I have a feeling its going to be way easier during the week since I cant just get in my car and drive to McDonalds. I love this blog. It keeps me motivated everyday. How is everyone doing this New Year?


    • Jenna
      Jan 03, 2011 @ 07:59:58

      I just re-read my blog and realized that a reeces McFlurry doesn’t even sound good but this apple tastes delicious!


    • Sherri
      Jan 03, 2011 @ 09:28:40

      This is work day #1 for me and I am with you Jenna, I think work is actually going to be the easier part. I do not normally leave work to go out to eat. I probably over packed my lunch today for fear of getting hungry. All good things so I have no reason that I should be tempted otherwise. It’s at home and weekends that I will be tempted. So far everything is going well. The only thing bad that I have had is that dreaded diet coke (because I am not a coffee drinker) but only a small amount.


      • Jenna
        Jan 03, 2011 @ 09:33:42

        Keep up the good work Sherri. I am having major caffeine withdrawals. I drank at lease 1 Pepsi (not diet or zero) a day for the past 3 months. I quit cold turkey January 1st and havent looked back. But everynight I get the worst headache, I know I deserve it because pop is so bad for me and I know it will help me lose the weight faster. I will deal with the headaches until they go away. I am feeling good today though……time to put the kids down for a nap and make my egg whites.

  11. Katie
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 09:39:08


    I just wanted to tell you GOOD JOB not pulling into McDonald’s. I to am very guilty of having fast food A LOT! I’m amazed that I have gone 8 days with out it. I have always been a stay at home mom, but with the kids grown, I’m a stay at home wife. Hubby works long hours and it is/was easier at lunch to just go get a burger (for me it was the McDonald’s fish sandwich). I once told my husband that it isn’t really a good thing that the fast food workers know me so well! They always greeted me HI KATIE!! Crazy.

    So I get it and wanted to say GOOD JOB!!!!!!


  12. Tina
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 10:00:47

    Yay! Day 5 for me and I must say this gets easier each day. Strange how the cravings are NOT so strong as each day goes by. I refuse to get on the scale though for fear of the #’s not moving. I shouldn’t be, I’m eating everything according to plan. But for the past year, i could not get the scale to budge. But then again, I swear I ate something sweet everyday. Today is day 1 too of my monthly cycle and I’m not even craving chocolate (I start craving it a few days before) and I’m just amazed. Hard part to all of this, my husbands negativity…..he’s doing this with me. “Man, i wish i could have this or that, why can’t we have this if we can have that!” He also hates the fact that our son eats Cheez Its, cookies, kisses, etc. in front of him. I will admit, the 1st few days was hard for me, but now I look forward to the summer and that keeps me going. We have a pool and I want to feel good about myself this year and not be embarrased in my own backyard! I even said to him, Which would you rather have, bread or be thin? his answer ” BOTH!”. I keep trying to reinforce positivity but I think he’s going to be a tough one. I refuse to let it derail me tho. As far as my son, I am limiting his intake of the junk too, I was chubby growing up and I don’t want to do that to him. He is not overweight at all, very active (he’s only 2 1/2), but he’s a kid and I think he should be able to have a treat here and there. In my eye, thats one of the fun things of being a kid!


  13. Pat Estey
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 10:42:21

    I am on day 3, this am I had lost a total of 1.8. I purchased the exercise dvd and it’s quite good. It’s best to read the entire book first as there is info in there which will help during your first 17 days.


  14. Betsy
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 11:13:50

    Hi again…left a post early, awaiting moderation. Anyway, I have a quick question as far as the yogurt goes…..the book says fat free greek yogurt is good to have, but I cant seem to find any sugar free yogurt. It is supposed to be sugar free no? If anyone can help I’d appreciate it. Today is day #1 for me…. doing ok so far. And I jogged/walked 1.5 miles this morning. It was FREEZING!!


    • Sherri
      Jan 03, 2011 @ 12:10:09

      Betsy- I have found a greek yogurt that has the Truvia in it. It is the Kroger store brand if you happen to live near that store. They have several different companies like Owens too so maybe if you look at the store brands.


      • Betsy
        Jan 03, 2011 @ 12:16:42

        Thank you Sherri!!

      • Amy
        Jan 03, 2011 @ 12:53:20

        I too have been stocking up on Kroger’s Greek yogurt… they have several varieties (plain, vanilla, honey, and strawberry), and their nutritional stats are better than the name brands. Some of the flavors do use Truvia, and have 3g of sugar, but I don’t worry about that. It’s natural, and that tiny amount is WAY offset by the 14g of protein in each serving.

        I can’t eat the plain by itself – it’s too strong… but I have started using that as a sour cream substitute (like for a low-carb veggie dip) and it’s great. 🙂

    • Claire
      Jan 03, 2011 @ 16:17:05

      Hi Betsy,

      I found lite yogurt that only has 9 grams of natural sugar. It’s Kroger brand. I only bought three because I couldn’t find sugar-free either, but I thought 9 grams was pretty low compared to the other options. Kroger did have the no-fat greek yogurt, too.



  15. Amy
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 11:42:09

    Greetings, folks – so nice to find this community!! I ordered the book after the Dr. Phil show, and it arrived just before Christmas. I started on Dec 29, so am on Day 6… so far I am down 3.5 pounds. The amazing part (one of them) is the amount of energy I already have.
    I’m not tracking for calories so much as accountability for foods and keeping track of my water… but the other amazing thing is that it does give you a daily budget for calories, based on whatever goals you are setting for yourself… and the past two days I have come in at 330+ calories UNDER my goal budget, and I swear I don’t feel like I could eat another thing. That’s the best thing about this diet – there are lots of yummy healthy foods (I do miss bread, admittedly), and you don’t have to go hungry. The other nice thing about tracking your foods on this site is that it tracks your nutrients, and I like to be able to gauge how much protein I’m eating a day (my goal, at least 80g from lean proteins daily). It also has a social interface, so you can “friend” others using the site, and support/encourage each other. I’m doing a weight-loss challenge with my sister and a number of other friends, so we’re all “keeping tabs” on each other that way… 🙂

    Anyway, I’m glad to find you all here, and will check in daily to hear everyone’s updates…

    Here’s to a Happy, Healthy, Fit 2011!!!


    PS – I too have been trying to do the 17-min exercise DVD. It is a riot trying to figure out what that crazy lady is doing, especially the first few times through… and it goes so FAST! My youngest, DS-15mo, kept weaving between my legs and trying to catch my kicks during cardio-buns… it’s a good thing you burn a lot of calories with hearty laughter too! 🙂


  16. tksinclair
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 12:11:07

    I wasn’t kidding, right? Those photos, regardless of how painful they are to take, are a great tool! I recommend keeping it close by and when you feel like eating take a look…I really believe we “forget” how we look or don’t even realize until we see a photo and then our first thought is “Wow, what a terrible photo!” Then we manage to avoid the camera for as long as possible.


    • Georgia Girl Cindy
      Jan 03, 2011 @ 17:36:28

      Oh my gosh…you are soooo right…..I really, really didn’t know I looked like this. The pictures will be my best tool to stick to this These pictures tell the truth and it sure isn’t pretty right now!! Good luck in 2011…we can do it!!


  17. tksinclair
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 12:22:30

    Debbie! You just crack me up! That’s a photo I’d like to see (you dancing with the dog!) We have three dogs so that “vision” made my day…


  18. Carmen
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 12:41:33

    I am on day #2 and it isn’t as hard as I thought it would be. I too have had a hard time finding sugar free yogurt. The only thing close that I could find was Kroger brand Carbmasters yogurt and that still has 3 grams of sugar. Where else can I look?
    Also, the before photos were such an eye-opener. WOW! I knew I had let myself go, but I didn’t realize I looked like THAT! That is all the motivation I need (well, that and I’m getting married in September and want to look great in a dress).
    Good Luck Everyone!!! We can do this!


    • tksinclair
      Jan 03, 2011 @ 12:45:05

      Hi Carmen! Yes, that’s one of the first posts I made was asking people to actually READ the book! Not just look at the “good” parts, the menus and allowed food lists! But, to actually READ it! 🙂

      Somewhere in the comments there is talk of the yogurt! Read through and see if you can find it. I’ll look and try to find it too!


    • Georgia Girl Cindy
      Jan 03, 2011 @ 17:38:16

      Yes, Carmen…we brides to be can do this. I am getting married in May on the beach and really do want to have that cute little white sundress!! Good luck Sister!!


  19. tksinclair
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 12:58:40

    It was a joke. I’m sorry you took offense. We seem to have loose senses of humor around here. Sorry it wasn’t what you were looking for.


  20. Katie
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 13:20:32

    Hey Ladies,

    So I’m on the treadmill and watching Dr. Oz. He is developing this wonderful think on his web site that would be great for tracking what were doing. Just curious if anyone else is watching.

    Oh, he is back on, so I’m back on the treadmill!

    Katie B.


  21. Mary
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 14:22:47

    Today has been an awesome day. I woke up at 5:30 am. (This is actually the time I get up everyday). I did a short 20 minute workout and got ready for work. I made a great omelet for breakfast that included fresh tomatoes, spinach and onions. It was yummy. With food like that, I feel like I am in heaven. No weight loss today, but I went to the gym for an hour and twenty minutes after work. For dinner I am having baked cod and some steamed vegetables. I think I am getting the hang of this.


    • Katie
      Jan 03, 2011 @ 15:12:01


      I had cod for lunch this afternoon. I’m not a huge fish fan, so I try adding spices. Even if you love fish? I found this seasoning from Grill Mates called Applewood Rub. IT WAS FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!

      I love your enthusiasm, it is catchy!!!!!!

      Katie B.


  22. Claire
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 16:30:44

    Hi Everyone,

    I start the diet tomorrow. I just went to the store, got home and prepared my meals for the week (I cook breakfast and lunch the night before and sometimes prepare multiple meals). I am excited to get started and so very thankful you are all here! I can see by the other posts that I bought the wrong yogurt, but I only purchased 3, so it didn’t break my bank. I will go back to Kroger tomorrow.

    I am looking for meal suggestions, too. I do not like fish, AT ALL, and am worried that I will get bored. However, I am determined to feel better and lose some weight that I know I will get through the first cycle. I look forward to starting the Activate cycle when I can start adding some foods back like lean beef and pork. I also look foward to reading everyone’s thoughts, triumphs and suggestions every day.

    Thanks again,


  23. tina
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 17:37:27

    Uh oh, did we get the wrong yogurt, Lite n Lively? Its fat free, we don’t have a KROGER around here. Also, would green grapes be okay, we bought those instead.


    • tksinclair
      Jan 03, 2011 @ 18:15:18

      Does the yogurt have fruit in it? Most non-fat fruit type yogurts, as my trainer taught me, are LOADED with sugar! I was shocked when I found that out. It’s best to get plain yogurt and buy some jam without sugar. Add a tablespoon or so to the yogurt and mix up. I also use Truvia and fresh fruit sometimes. I LOVE MY SUGAR and miss it so much! I definitely have a sugar monkey on my back!


  24. merideth
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 18:10:41

    my book shipped today! i ordered it yesterday and it shipped! woohoo!


  25. tksinclair
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 18:22:00

    If you have been waiting for the book it should come soon. The second publishing is complete and the books are being shipped. Things slowed down after the huge demand and with the weather back east but things seem to be under control now. Hopefully the section OVERVIEW OF THE 17 DAY DIET and the post “What To Do While Waiting for the Book” should help.

    A recipe link will be put up later tonight! I’m working as fast as I can! But, I’m overwhelmed with email (which I try to answer every one) and working on the site – I also write for another site, Weight Loss HQ (I’ll put the link here soon) AND I have a “real” job (I charter private jets) so I am at my desk morning, noon and night! I’m sorry for any delays in posting recipes, etc. but I promise I’m working as hard as I can.

    I really want to answer every body – I appreciate everyone’s participation here in helping to answer questions. It’s taken some pressure off me. I’m also in the process of updating the site and since I’m not very computer literate I’m having to learn fast (how many calories do you think that burns?)

    I want to promote the diet because I believe in it. But, whew, I got a little more than I bargained for! 🙂


  26. Bethany
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 18:44:55

    I will be starting the 2nd cycle starting tomorrow. Anyone else on the 2nd 17 days yet? I’m kinda nervous. I lost 12 lbs the 1st cycle and have come to a stand still. I’m hoping that I will see an added difference with this change. Any suggestions or remarks on the 2nd cycle are very welcome!


  27. Jean
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 19:08:12

    Hi everyone!

    Good to ‘see’ you all here! Support definitely makes a difference. Day 1 for me today….so far so good, even with drinking all the water (I’m thinking all the walking down the hall to the bathroom is a good calorie burner also! 🙂

    Finding the right yogurt has been a little tricky, but at least even if we buy the wrong one it is a step in the right direction, so we shouldn’t beat ourselves up too badly about that (although, if you are anything like me, I’m an expert at beating myself up!).

    I look forward to travelling this journey with all of you; here’s to a wonderful new year, new ‘us’!!! 🙂


    • tksinclair
      Jan 03, 2011 @ 20:31:32

      Jean, sometimes we perfectionists end up with weight problems because if we can’t be PERFECT we just throw in the towel! I’m glad you’re here. There is great advice here and some wonderful people (including you)….


  28. Debbie Ponz
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 21:20:20

    Started Cycle 2 today and I am going to tell you that the 1/2 cup of oatmeal I had for breakfast tasted like heaven! I was worried that I would want carbs again when I started cycle 2 but everything was good today. I did go out for supper with my husband and had a small steak with carrots and green beans and I gave my baked potato to my husband. So only one of my carb choices today. Its all good everybody keep up the good work


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