

Don’t you wish it was that easy? Yep, so do I.  But if it was that easy most likely we wouldn’t be here in the first place, right?  We’d be burning those calories off faster than we could eat them.

Somebody wrote me last week and asked, “So, what works in regards to exercise?” Well, let’s see, take a magic wand, click your heels three times… just kidding!

I’ll tell you what I’ve learned over the years as a personal trainer…there’s only one standard “rule”.  You have to enjoy something about it.  I know, I know, “enjoy” it, Terri?  You’re probably thinking that’s impossible!  But trust me on this one, it might be hard but it’s not impossible.  And, if you notice I didn’t say you had to enjoy it.  I carefully said “you have to enjoy something about it.”

 I know a few of you bought the exercise video with the book which is an excellent idea.  Initially when The Doctors show sent me the diet they also sent me an exercise video called The Firm.  Cynthia (a new member here) posted in the comments yesterday that she purchased the Xbox 360 which I think is a great idea.  (You go girl!) It doesn’t matter what you do but somewhere along the line sooner or later you’re going to have to get moving. Personally I do some light weight bearing and core exercises and for aerobic exercise I get on the treadmill.  Do I like to get on the treadmill, aka The DREADMILL, hardly, but I DO like to dance.

Did I lose you there?

Let me explain. I do a 5 minute warm-up and then instead of turning the treadmill up I turn the treadmill down slow, maybe to 1.2 mph.  Counterproductive?  I’m not done yet.  After I turn the speed down, I … are you ready?  Prepare yourself here … I’ve never seen anyone else do this – BUT… after I turn the treadmill down I turn the music up and I dance.  On the treadmill.  Yep.  Right in front of God and everybody!

And, it works. I stay on longer (because I’m ‘dancing’) and my heart rate gets higher. 

Since my knees aren’t great it’s hard for me to get my heart rate up high enough when the treadmill is turned up or on an angle.  With the speed turned down I can move more quickly and to be honest can Cha Cha with the best of them. It’s my own private DWTS (Dancing While Treading Slowly) I hold on with one hand and use that as my “partner.”  Slowing the treadmill down allows me to move my feet twice as fast and I can actually get my heart rate up faster than if I’m jogging which usually ends up with me hurting my knees and spending weeks with no cardio at all! Now that’s counterproductive!

Do people stare?  Maybe.  I don’t know.  I’m too busy watching TV, listening to music and dancing at the same time.  Who’s got eyes and ears to pay attention to what anybody else is doing?  Certainly not me and if I’m lucky no one else does either. 

Will this work for you?  I don’t know.  That’s not my point. The point is do something that works for you even if you have to “tweak” it.  

Do you like music?  Then turn it on, turn it up and dance around the room for 5 minutes! 

Do you like to take photos?  Take the camera, go outside and take photos (you’ll be exercising and you won’t even know it)  

Do you have stairs at home?  Go up and down for 5 minutes three or four times a day.  Too much?  Start with 1 minute and work your way up. 

Do you have cable TV?  Does it include the Fit channel?  They run exercise shows all the time so tape a couple on your DVR.  

Like to shop?  Instead of being efficient “zig zag” your way through the mall making purchases as from away from each other as possible.  Don’t stop at Macy’s on your way to Bloomingdales.  Go all the way to Bloomies, back track and then go back to Macy’s. Not only do you get the walking you’re now carrying extra packages and that burns calories baby!  IT ALL COUNTS.

Take the garbage out lately?  Bring the cans in from the curb? Don’t leave it for your husband or kids to do.  It’s exercise.  It counts. 

The point is you’ve got to move and every little tiny bit counts!

So for now, do what you can and when you can, do better.